You are still the one : Honest Book Review

Author: Himanshu rai

Genres: Love Romance

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“You Are Still The One” by Himanshu Rai is a contemporary romance novel that explores themes of love, relationships, and personal growth against the backdrop of urban India.The novel follows the lives of its protagonists, capturing their journey through various stages of life and love.

Himanshu Rai, the author, is known for his ability to blend emotional depth with a keen observation of societal dynamics. His writing often delves into the complexities of modern relationships, presenting characters who grapple with aspirations, insecurities, and the challenges of maintaining personal integrity in a rapidly changing world.


“The central figures in “you are still the one ” are Trisha, Aditya, Varun, Meetu, and Dakshit. Trisha, a young woman of striking beauty hailing from Dalhousie, endured the heartbreaking loss of her mother early in life. At the tender age of 17, she was diagnosed with cancer, leaving her despondent and without hope.

During her challenging treatment in Delhi, Trisha encountered Aditya and Meetu. Aditya, a spirited young Army officer, along with Meetu and Varun (Trisha’s cousin), became her pillars of support, gradually restoring her faith in life itself. Amidst these tumultuous times, a deep bond blossomed between Trisha and Aditya, their hearts intertwining in unexpected ways.

Yet, both are haunted by uncertainty—Trisha battling a life-threatening illness, while Aditya serves on the volatile borders. Their love, though undeniable, faces the harsh reality of their diverging paths and uncertain futures.

What unfolds next is a profoundly moving tale, one that delves deep into the essence of love and friendship. It navigates through a world brimming with emotions, from the purest joys to the deepest sorrows, ultimately culminating in a stark confrontation with reality.

“You Are Still The One” by Himanshu Rai is more than just a story; it is a poignant journey that illuminates the complexities of life and the enduring power of human connection.”

Main characters

The main characters in “You Are Still The One” by Himanshu Rai are:

Trisha: A young beautiful woman from Dalhousie who has faced significant challenges in her life, including the loss of her mother at a young age and being diagnosed with cancer at 17. Despite her hardships, she portrays resilience and strength, finding hope and love amidst adversity.

Aditya: A dedicated young Army officer stationed on the borders. Aditya meets Trisha during her treatment in Delhi and becomes a pivotal figure in her life. He is portrayed as courageous, compassionate, and torn between his duty and his growing feelings for Trisha.

Varun: Trisha’s cousin, who plays a supportive role in her life during her illness. Varun adds a familial dimension to the story, offering unconditional love and support to Trisha during her difficult times.

Meetu: Another significant character who joins Aditya in supporting Trisha through her journey. Meetu’s presence underscores the theme of friendship and solidarity, providing emotional support to Trisha when she needs it the most.

Plot structure

Structure: The novel follows a linear narrative structure, starting with Trisha’s challenges and her encounter with Aditya and other supporting characters. This structure is effective in unfolding the story from its initial conflicts to the development of relationships and eventual resolution. there are multiple character arcs interwoven within the main storyline.

Pacing: it is a fast-paced romance, the pacing is brisk and lively, ensuring the reader remains engaged throughout. This is crucial for a romance novel where emotional tension and relationship dynamics play significant roles. The introduction of themes like illness and the complexities of military life alongside romance shows a balanced pacing that intertwines personal and external conflicts.

Engagement: The story is engaging, drawing readers into the emotional journey of its characters. Themes such as love and friendship are universal and relatable, making it likely that readers will connect with the characters’ struggles and triumphs.

Coherence and Organization: Despite the desire for deeper character development, the plot is coherent and well-organized. The central are clear and likely provide a strong framework for the story’s progression. The mention of thematic exploration (care, pain, happiness, true love) suggests a thematic coherence that ties the narrative together, contributing to its overall impact.

Writing style

The writing style of “You Are Still The One” by Himanshu Rai can be described as poignant and heartfelt, with a lucid and warm tone that delicately unfolds its sensitive plotline. The author adeptly builds characters within the confines of a relatively short book , showcasing skillful storytelling that allows Trisha’s growth and emotional journey to resonate deeply with readers. The prose is clear and accessible, yet it carries a depth that explores themes of resilience, love, and the pursuit of happiness in a nuanced manner. Himanshu Rai’s approach encourages reflection on life’s challenges and the transformative power of love, making the narrative both relatable and inspiring. Overall, the writing style blends simplicity with emotional depth, creating a compelling and memorable reading experience.


Emotional Resonance: The book excels in creating a strong emotional connection with its readers through a poignant portrayal of its characters’ struggles and growth. Trisha’s journey from despair to embracing life’s joys is likely to resonate deeply, offering readers a powerful exploration of resilience and hope.

Theme Exploration: It effectively explores universal themes such as love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness, intertwined with the challenges of illness and military service. These themes are handled with sensitivity and depth, providing readers with meaningful insights and reflections.

Character Development: Despite its brevity (216 pages), the book showcases commendable character development. Characters like Trisha, Aditya, Varun, Meetu, and Dakshit are crafted with depth and complexity, allowing their relationships and individual arcs to unfold naturally and engagingly.

Writing Style: The lucid and warm writing style contributes significantly to the book’s appeal. It balances clarity with emotional depth, ensuring that the sensitive plotline is handled with grace and majesty, as described. This style enhances the readability and impact of the narrative, making it accessible yet profound.

Engaging Plot: The plot’s structure and pacing are noted to be engaging and coherent, drawing readers into a compelling story that explores both personal and external conflicts. The integration of various themes and the careful development of relationships contribute to a satisfying reading experience.


1. Character Depth: While the characters are generally well-developed within the constraints of the book’s length, there are suggestions that some readers may desire more depth in certain character arcs, particularly Varun, Meetu, and Dakshit. Enhancing their development could provide richer dynamics and further enrich the overall narrative.

2. Pacing Concerns: Although described as fast-paced, there may be instances where the pacing could feel rushed or uneven, especially in transitions between key plot points or character developments. A more balanced pacing throughout could enhance the reader’s immersion and emotional investment in the story.

3. Plot Complexity: While the simplicity of the plot allows for a focused exploration of central themes, some readers may find themselves wanting more complexity or layers in the storyline. This could involve deeper exploration of subplots or additional thematic dimensions to add depth to the narrative.

4. Structural Depth: Related to plot complexity, there could be room for more intricate structural elements such as flashbacks, multiple perspectives, or non-linear storytelling. These techniques could potentially offer a more nuanced exploration of characters and themes, providing a richer reading experience.

5. Page Quality: the quality of the physical book pages could be a concern for some readers. Improving the material or design of the pages could enhance its appeal as a collectible or long-term addition to personal libraries.

Reader’s experience

My reading experience of “You Are Still The One” by Himanshu Rai is deeply emotional and engaging. Through its exploration of universal themes like love, friendship, resilience, and personal growth, the novel invited me to connect intimately with the characters’ journeys. Rai’s accessible writing style ensures a smooth flow of the narrative, enhancing the authenticity of the characters’ experiences, allowing to immerse fully in the story. Despite potential pacing concerns, the plot unfolds in a way that kept me invested, from Trisha’s initial struggles to her evolving relationships with Aditya, Varun, Meetu, and Dakshit. Beyond its narrative allure, the novel offers moments of reflection and inspiration, prompting to contemplate my own beliefs about love and the challenges of life. Overall, “You Are Still The One” promises a poignant and thought-provoking reading experience, leaving a lasting impression with its heartfelt exploration of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of love.

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