Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow : Honest Book Review

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Author: Gabrielle Zevin

Genres: Fiction

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“Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin is a contemporary novel that has captured the imagination of readers with its unique blend of gaming culture and deep human connections. Set against the backdrop of the burgeoning video game industry, the novel spans several decades, beginning in the late 1980s and extending into the 21st century. Zevin, known for her adept storytelling and richly developed characters, explores themes of creativity, identity, and the complexities of human relationships.


In 1987, the lives of two children, Sadie Green and Sam Masur, intersect in a hospital gaming room. Sadie is there visiting her sister, who is undergoing treatment, while Sam is a patient recovering from a traumatic car accident. The hospital environment, typically somber and slow, becomes a place of excitement and camaraderie for them as they bond over a shared love for video games. This passion for gaming creates a sanctuary for both Sadie and Sam, providing them with joy and a means to escape their difficult realities.

Fast forward eight years, and Sadie and Sam unexpectedly cross paths in a bustling train station. The instant they see each other, memories of their childhood bond flood back, reigniting their friendship. This chance encounter propels them into a partnership that revolves around their mutual love for video games. They decide to channel their passion into creating video games that are not just entertaining but also innovative and immersive.

Their collaboration leads to remarkable success in the gaming industry, turning them into renowned figures. They create games that captivate players worldwide, blending intricate storytelling with cutting-edge technology. As their fame grows, so do the challenges. Sadie and Sam find themselves navigating the complexities that come with success: the lure of money, the pitfalls of fame, the sting of betrayal, and the heartache of tragedy. Despite the immense pressures, their professional achievements and personal trials are deeply intertwined, illustrating the dichotomy between the perfect digital worlds they craft and the flawed reality they inhabit.

Main characters

Sadie Green: A passionate and talented game developer whose creativity and drive are central to the story.

Sam Masur: Sadie’s close friend and collaborator, whose life is marked by both physical and emotional scars from his past.

Marx Watanabe: Their business partner and a crucial support figure in their professional and personal lives.

Alice Ishikawa: A significant character who influences the dynamics between Sadie and Sam.


The plot of “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” is highly engaging, seamlessly blending the world of video game development with complex character arcs. Zevin crafts a narrative that keeps readers invested in Sadie and Sam’s journey, from their humble beginnings to their rise as gaming superstars. The plot is characterized by its emotional depth and unexpected twists, maintaining a balance between the fantastical elements of game creation and the harsh realities of life.

Writing style

Gabrielle Zevin’s writing style in “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” is both evocative and immersive. She employs a lyrical prose that vividly brings the gaming worlds and real-life settings to life. Her ability to switch between different timelines and perspectives adds layers to the narrative, making the story rich and multifaceted. Zevin’s descriptive passages and attention to detail enhance the reader’s connection to the characters and their experiences.


Character Development: The characters are well-developed, with intricate backstories and evolving relationships that add depth to the story.

Innovative Plot: The integration of gaming culture with personal drama offers a fresh and compelling narrative.

Emotional Resonance: The novel effectively explores themes of love, loss, and the human need for connection.


Pacing Issues: Some readers may find certain sections of the book slower, especially those focusing heavily on technical aspects of game development.

Complexity: The shifting timelines and multiple perspectives can occasionally be confusing, requiring careful attention from the reader.

Reader’s experience        

Reading “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” is likely to find yourself deeply immersed in the richly textured world that Gabrielle Zevin creates. The novel offers a compelling narrative that combines the exhilarating world of video game development with profound explorations of human relationships. I appreciate the detailed character development and the intricate plotting that keeps the story engaging. Zevin’s ability to blend the technical aspects of game creation with the emotional landscapes of her characters makes for a unique and rewarding reading experience.


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” will appeal to a wide range of readers. Fans of contemporary fiction will appreciate the novel’s blend of modern themes with timeless human emotions. Those with an interest in gaming culture will find the detailed depiction of video game development particularly fascinating. Additionally, readers who enjoy character-driven stories with rich emotional arcs will be drawn to the complex relationship between Sadie and Sam.



happy reading 🙂

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