The Last Talks – Expanded Edition : Honest Book Review

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Author : J. Krishnamurti

Genres : Philosophy, Spirituality, Non-fiction

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“The Last Talks” by Jiddu Krishnamurti is a profound collection of final discourses from a globally revered thinker and spiritual teacher. This book captures Krishnamurti’s last reflections on the nature of the human mind, personal transformation, and the search for truth. Known for transcending religious, national, and cultural boundaries, Krishnamurti’s teachings focus on the individual’s journey towards liberation from inner turmoil. In “The Last Talks,” his unique approach shines through as he speaks not as a guru but as a friend, urging direct perception and self-inquiry over traditional religious doctrines. This collection is a testament to his lifelong dedication to exploring profound philosophical questions and offers a final, impactful insight into his extraordinary mind.


“The Last Talks: Expanded Edition” by J. Krishnamurti, published on January 1, 2024, is a profound exploration of life, creation, and personal transformation. This expanded edition includes four additional chapters, providing deeper insights into Krishnamurti’s final teachings. In November 1985, at the age of ninety-one and despite his terminal illness, Krishnamurti returned to India for what would be his final series of talks. He visited the Rajghat School in Varanasi, the Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh, and Vasanta Vihar in Madras (now Chennai), where he engaged in public talks and discussions with the same vigor and passion that characterized his entire life.

In his last talk at Vasanta Vihar, Krishnamurti delved into the origin of life, emphasizing the sacredness of creation. He urged his listeners to change their lives immediately if they had strayed from their true path, stressing the urgency of personal transformation. This theme of immediate change is a recurring motif in his final discourses. The expanded edition of “The Last Talks” enriches the original 1988 publication with additional content that further illuminates Krishnamurti’s timeless wisdom and his call for a holistic understanding of life.

Krishnamurti’s teachings in “The Last Talks” are not confined to any specific ideology or belief system. Instead, they are universal in their appeal, addressing fundamental questions about existence, the mind, and the essence of life. He challenged his audience to look beyond societal constructs and personal biases to discover the truth within themselves. This book serves as a testament to Krishnamurti’s lifelong dedication to awakening humanity to the profound potential for inner change and spiritual awakening.


“The Last Talks” follows Krishnamurti’s final journey through India as he imparts his wisdom one last time. Despite his declining health, his commitment to his mission remains unwavering. The narrative is structured around his visits to educational institutions and his public talks, culminating in his poignant final discourse at Vasanta Vihar. Each talk and discussion session explores different aspects of life, from the nature of the mind to the essence of creation and the urgency of personal transformation. The expanded edition offers additional chapters that deepen the reader’s understanding of Krishnamurti’s insights and their relevance to contemporary life.

Writing style

Krishnamurti’s writing style is characterized by its clarity, directness, and profound simplicity. He avoids complex jargon and instead uses everyday language to convey deep philosophical insights. His tone is conversational yet authoritative, inviting readers to engage in self-inquiry and reflection. Krishnamurti’s ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible manner makes his teachings both compelling and transformative.


The Sacredness of Creation – Krishnamurti emphasizes the holiness of life and creation, urging readers to recognize and respect this sacredness in their daily lives.

Personal Transformation – The necessity for immediate and radical change in one’s life is a central theme, with Krishnamurti challenging individuals to confront and transcend their inner turmoil.

Universal Truth – His teachings transcend religious and cultural boundaries, appealing to the universal quest for truth and understanding.

The Nature of the Mind – Krishnamurti delves into the workings of the human mind, exploring how thoughts, emotions, and conditioning shape our perceptions and actions.

Self-Inquiry and Direct Perception – He advocates for a direct, unmediated understanding of oneself and the world, free from preconceived notions and beliefs.


The core message of “The Last Talks” is the urgent need for personal and spiritual transformation. Krishnamurti calls upon individuals to recognize the sacredness of life and to change their lives immediately if they have lost their way. His teachings encourage self-inquiry, direct perception, and the dissolution of inner conflicts to achieve a state of profound understanding and peace.


Timeless Wisdom – Krishnamurti’s teachings are as relevant today as they were decades ago, addressing universal human concerns.

Clarity and Accessibility – His ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms makes the book accessible to a wide audience.

Profound Insights – The expanded edition offers deeper insights into his final teachings, enriching the reader’s understanding.

Inspirational and Transformative – The urgency and passion in Krishnamurti’s final talks inspire readers to seek immediate change in their lives.


Repetitive Themes – Some readers might find the recurring emphasis on certain themes to be repetitive.

Philosophical Depth – The profound philosophical discussions may be challenging for readers new to Krishnamurti’s work.

Limited Context – Without prior knowledge of Krishnamurti’s teachings, some concepts might lack sufficient context for new readers.

Non-linear Structure – The book’s structure, centered around separate talks, may seem disjointed to those expecting a continuous narrative.

Reader’s experience        

Reading “The Last Talks: Expanded Edition” is a deeply enriching and transformative experience. Krishnamurti’s final words resonate with timeless wisdom and a call for immediate personal transformation. The expanded edition provides additional depth, making it a valuable resource for both long-time followers and new readers. Each talk invites introspection and challenges conventional thinking, leaving readers with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the sacredness of life. The urgency in Krishnamurti’s voice and the profound simplicity of his teachings create a powerful and lasting impact, encouraging readers to embrace change and seek truth within themselves.

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