Resilient and Poignant: An Honest Review of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones

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Author : Priyanka Mattoo

Genres : Memoir

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Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir by Priyanka Mattoo is a captivating exploration of a life marked by constant movement, cultural dislocation, and the search for identity. Mattoo’s journey began in the Himalayas, where she was born into a wooden house, continuing through various global locations including England, Saudi Arabia, Michigan, Rome, and ultimately Los Angeles.

The memoir delves into the sociopolitical upheavals that forced her family from their home in Kashmir in 1989, leading to a life of perpetual relocation. This context of displacement and the quest for belonging frames Mattoo’s narrative, offering readers a poignant and humorous glimpse into her experiences.


Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is a collection of essays chronicling Priyanka Mattoo’s life from her early years in Kashmir to her adulthood in Los Angeles. The memoir begins with Mattoo’s idyllic childhood in Srinagar, disrupted by the political turmoil that forced her family to flee.

The narrative takes us through her experiences in various countries, capturing the cultural shocks, friendships, and challenges she faced. Mattoo shares intimate stories about her family, her courtship with her Jewish husband, and her attempts to recreate her mother’s recipes. The memoir concludes with her reflections on identity and home, tying together themes of displacement, resilience, and self-discovery.

Main Characters

The main character in Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is Priyanka Mattoo herself. Through her eyes, we meet her family members, including her parents who are pivotal figures in her life. Her mother, with a PhD, and her father, a medical doctor, provided a strong educational foundation and support system.

Other significant characters include her brother Punit, with whom she shares a special bond, and her husband, a Jewish man whose courtship and eventual marriage with Mattoo add layers to her narrative of cultural integration and personal growth.


The plot of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a memoir is not linear but rather episodic, reflecting the memoir-in-essays structure. It begins with Mattoo’s early life in Kashmir and the sudden upheaval due to regional violence. The memoir then shifts through various stages of her life, depicting her experiences in Saudi Arabia, England, the United States, and Italy.

Each essay captures a unique aspect of her journey, from navigating cultural differences to forming and losing friendships, and from grappling with her identity to establishing a new life in Los Angeles. The narrative culminates in her realization of what home means to her, bringing the themes of displacement and belonging full circle.

Writing Style

Priyanka Mattoo’s writing style in Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a memoir is characterized by its wit, humor, and poignancy. She employs a candid and conversational tone, making her stories relatable and engaging. Her use of vivid imagery and detailed descriptions brings her experiences to life, allowing readers to visualize the diverse settings she navigates.

The memoir’s structure as a collection of essays allows Mattoo to explore different themes and moments without being constrained by a chronological narrative, giving her the freedom to delve deeply into each topic.


The central theme of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is the search for home and identity amidst constant displacement. Mattoo explores how her sense of belonging evolves as she moves from one place to another, facing cultural differences and personal challenges.

Other themes include resilience, family bonds, and the immigrant experience. Mattoo’s narrative highlights the complexities of maintaining cultural traditions while adapting to new environments, and the strength required to rebuild one’s life repeatedly.


The message of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is one of resilience and self-discovery. Mattoo’s experiences underscore the idea that home is not just a physical place but a state of mind and a collection of relationships. Her journey illustrates the importance of adaptability, the value of cultural heritage, and the power of storytelling in understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Through her memoir, Mattoo encourages readers to embrace their unique journeys and find their own definitions of home.


One of the strengths of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is its authenticity. Mattoo’s honest and reflective writing allows readers to connect with her experiences on a personal level. Her ability to infuse humor into serious and often painful situations adds depth to her narrative. The memoir’s structure as a collection of essays provides a varied and dynamic reading experience, allowing Mattoo to tackle different themes and moments with nuance and insight. Additionally, her vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling make the memoir a compelling read.


A potential weakness of Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is its non-linear structure, which some readers might find disjointed or challenging to follow. The episodic nature of the essays can create a sense of fragmentation, making it harder to discern a cohesive narrative arc. Additionally, while Mattoo’s humorous tone is a strength, there are moments where the levity might undercut the gravity of certain experiences. Some readers might also wish for more chronological coherence or deeper exploration of specific events and themes.

Reading Experience

Reading Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is a journey through diverse landscapes and emotional terrains. Mattoo’s engaging storytelling and vivid descriptions create an immersive experience, transporting readers to the various places she has called home. Her candid reflections and humorous anecdotes make the memoir both entertaining and thought-provoking. The non-linear structure requires readers to adjust their expectations and embrace the episodic nature of the narrative, but this approach ultimately enriches the reading experience by offering a multifaceted view of Mattoo’s life.


Reading “Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones” a Memoir is a journey through diverse landscapes and emotional terrains. Mattoo’s engaging storytelling and vivid descriptions create an immersive experience, transporting readers to the various places she has called home. Her candid reflections and humorous anecdotes make the memoir both entertaining and thought-provoking. The non-linear structure requires readers to adjust their expectations and embrace the episodic nature of the narrative, but this approach ultimately enriches the reading experience by offering a multifaceted view of Mattoo’s life.


Bird Milk and Mosquito Bones a Memoir is recommended for readers who enjoy memoirs, especially those that offer a blend of humor and poignancy. It will resonate with anyone who has experienced displacement or navigated multiple cultural identities. The memoir is also a great choice for readers interested in stories of resilience and self-discovery. While the non-linear structure might require some adjustment, Mattoo’s engaging storytelling and insightful reflections make it a worthwhile read. Fans of essay collections and personal narratives will particularly appreciate the depth and variety of Mattoo’s experiences.

Happy Reading 🙂

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FAQs :

What makes “Bird Milk & Mosquito Bones: A Memoir” unique compared to other memoirs?

Mattoo’s memoir is unique due to its episodic structure and candid, humorous writing style. It offers a blend of poignant and lighthearted moments, capturing the complexities of maintaining cultural traditions while adapting to new environments.

What is the significance of the title “Bird Milk & Mosquito Bones”?

The title symbolizes the delicate and intricate aspects of Mattoo’s journey. While it might not be explicitly explained, it likely reflects the memoir’s exploration of fragile yet significant moments in her life.

What are some key takeaways from “Bird Milk & Mosquito Bones: A Memoir”?

Key takeaways include the importance of adaptability, the evolving concept of home and identity, and the strength found in cultural heritage. Mattoo’s story highlights the power of resilience and self-discovery amidst challenging circumstances.

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