Bad Graces : Honest Book Review

Author: Kyrie McCauley

Genres: Mystery

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“Bad Graces” by Kyrie McCauley is a compelling YA thriller that delves into the dark and complex lives of its characters against a backdrop of privilege, secrets, and the consequences of one fateful event. The novel centers around Tierney James, a teenager from an affluent suburban community, who becomes embroiled in the aftermath of a tragic incident. Tierney grapples with guilt and grief while navigating the intricate web of her family’s secrets and the damaging effects of unchecked privilege.

The narrative unfolds with Tierney confronting the dark truths lurking beneath the surface of her seemingly perfect world. McCauley’s storytelling explores themes of mental health, trauma, and the complexities of familial and societal expectations. As Tierney seeks to uncover the truth and come to terms with her own culpability, “Bad Graces” paints a chilling portrait of suburban life and the unraveling of lives entangled in lies and deception.


In “Bad Graces” by Kyrie McCauley, the story begins with Liv Whitlock, a troubled teenager grappling with her past and desperate to escape her own destructive tendencies. She assumes the identity of her perfect sister, Everly, to secure a prestigious internship on a movie set filming in Alaska. Joining her are a diverse group including pop star Paris Grace, actress sisters Effie and Miri Knight, Olympic gymnast Rosalind Torres, and social media influencer Celia Jones.

Their journey takes a disastrous turn when a violent storm wrecks their yacht, leaving them stranded on an eerie and remote island in the North Pacific Ocean. As they struggle to survive against the harsh elements and a lurking predator, tensions rise among the group. They soon discover that the injuries they sustain on the island lead to bizarre and inexplicable transformations in their bodies, adding a chilling layer of horror to their ordeal.

Amidst the island’s unsettling mysteries and the threat of the unknown predator, the girls must confront not only external threats but also their own inner demons and buried secrets. As alliances shift and suspicions grow, Liv finds herself questioning who she can trust and struggling to hold onto her own identity amidst the chaos.

“Bad Graces” weaves together themes of survival, identity, and the consequences of deception in a gripping narrative that explores the darker corners of human nature and the haunting realities that surface when faced with isolation and danger. McCauley’s storytelling captures the reader’s imagination with its atmospheric setting and compelling characters, offering a thrilling and thought-provoking journey into the unknown.

Main characters

Liv Whitlock: The protagonist who assumes her sister’s identity to escape her troubled past. She secures an internship on a movie set in Alaska but ends up stranded on a mysterious island after a yacht wreck.

Paris Grace: A pop star who is part of the group stranded on the island. Her presence adds a layer of celebrity intrigue to the dynamics among the survivors.

Effie and Miri Knight: Actress sisters who are also part of the group. Their interactions and relationships with others on the island contribute to the unfolding drama.

Rosalind Torres: An Olympic gymnast among the survivors, adding a different perspective and skillset to their attempts at survival.

Celia Jones: A social media influencer, whose presence brings modern-day social dynamics and pressures into the group’s struggle for survival.


Plot Structure: The plot of “Bad Graces” follow a linear progression with a clear inciting incident—the yacht wreck—that propels the characters into their survival ordeal on a mysterious island. This structure is effective for building tension and suspense, as it allows the story to unfold in a manner that gradually reveals the island’s mysteries and the characters’ inner struggles.

Pacing: The pacing is engaging and tense, with short chapters that maintain momentum and drive the narrative forward. The initial setup and the subsequent challenges faced by the characters, such as survival against nature and the discovery of their transformations, suggest a well-paced plot that keeps readers invested in the unfolding events.

Engagement: The story is highly engaging due to its combination of survivalist horror elements and psychological depth. The mysterious island setting, the threat of a lurking predator, and the characters’ internal conflicts create a compelling narrative that draws readers deeper into the story. The blend of eerie atmosphere, supernatural elements, and interpersonal dynamics among the characters further enhances engagement by keeping readers intrigued and eager to uncover the island’s secrets.

Writing style

Kyrie McCauley’s writing style in “Bad Graces” is characterized by its vivid and descriptive prose that immerses readers in the eerie and atmospheric world of the story. The narrative unfolds with a blend of suspenseful storytelling and introspective exploration, capturing the tension and emotional turmoil of the characters as they confront both external threats and their own inner demons. McCauley adeptly balances the supernatural elements and psychological depth, creating a haunting atmosphere that lingers throughout the novel. The writing is engaging and evocative, drawing readers into the unfolding mysteries of the island and the complex dynamics among the stranded group. Overall, McCauley’s writing style in “Bad Graces” is gripping, atmospheric, and adept at conveying both the visceral intensity of survival horror and the nuanced emotional landscapes of its characters.


Atmospheric Setting: One of the novel’s standout strengths is its atmospheric setting. McCauley’s vivid and descriptive prose brings the mysterious island to life, with its untamed forests, enchanting waters, and eerie mycelium. This atmospheric backdrop enhances the story’s suspense and adds depth to the characters’ experiences.

Compelling Premise: The premise of a group of young women stranded on an island after a shipwreck, facing not only physical threats but also mysterious transformations, is inherently compelling. This premise hooks readers from the start and keeps them engaged throughout the novel.

Character Development: While initial impressions suggest the characters may start off somewhat two-dimensional, the novel’s strength lies in its gradual development of their complexities. As the story progresses and the characters confront the island’s challenges, their growth and inner conflicts become more pronounced, adding depth to the narrative.

Suspenseful Plot: The plot is well-paced and suspenseful, driven by a series of escalating challenges and revelations. The blend of survivalist horror elements with psychological depth keeps readers on edge, eager to uncover the island’s secrets and the characters’ fates.


Character Depth Early On: Some readers may find that the characters initially lack depth and complexity. While the novel excels in developing them over time, a stronger introduction to their backgrounds and motivations from the outset could enhance reader investment earlier in the story.

Pacing Variability: Although generally well-paced, there may be instances where the pacing feels uneven. Some readers might perceive certain sections as slower or less engaging compared to others, which could affect the overall flow of the narrative.

Predictability: In a genre that thrives on unpredictability and surprise, there might be moments where the plot developments or character arcs follow expected paths. Increasing unpredictability or introducing more surprising twists could elevate the novel’s impact.

Reader’s experience   

“Bad Graces” by Kyrie McCauley gives a gripping and immersive experience characterized by its atmospheric setting, suspenseful plot, and evolving character dynamics. The novel plunges readers into a haunting tale of survival and transformation as a group of young women navigate the eerie mysteries of a remote island after a catastrophic shipwreck. McCauley’s vivid prose vividly brings the island’s landscapes and unsettling phenomena to life, enhancing the sense of tension and foreboding throughout the narrative. The story unfolds with a blend of psychological depth and supernatural intrigue, keeping readers captivated as the characters confront their fears, inner demons, and the disturbing changes wrought by their isolation and the island’s secrets. Overall, “Bad Graces” offers a compelling blend of suspense, atmospheric richness, and thematic exploration that promises an unforgettable reading journey into darkness and survival.

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