A Dark and Drowning Tide : Honest Book Review

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Author : Allison Saft

Genres : Romance Fantasy

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A Dark And Drowning Tide is a captivating addition to the ever-evolving genre of sapphic fantasy romance. Allison Saft, known for her nuanced storytelling and atmospheric settings, brings readers into a lush, folkloric world brimming with magic, danger, and romance. The book follows the journey of Lorelei Kaskel, a sharp-tongued folklorist, as she embarks on an expedition to find a magical spring, only to confront a murder mystery that intertwines with political intrigue and personal rivalry. This novel stands out not only for its vibrant depiction of a sentient forest and rich cultural backdrop but also for its sensitive exploration of antisemitism and the experiences of Jewish characters in a fantastical context.

Set in the embattled country of Brunnestaad, where folklore and reality intermingle, A Dark And Drowning Tide draws inspiration from Jewish mythology and dark academia, offering a fresh take on the romantic fantasy genre. The kingdom is portrayed as a land teetering on the brink of revolution, with a king desperate to harness the power of the fabled spring to solidify his reign. Against this tumultuous backdrop, Saft weaves a tale that is as much about personal discovery and justice as it is about love and adventure.


In A Dark And Drowning Tide, we follow Lorelei Kaskel, a fiery and brilliant folklorist, who joins a royal expedition to find a legendary spring said to grant immense power. Accompanying her are six nobles, each with their own hidden agendas. However, the mission takes a dark turn when their leader and Lorelei’s mentor is found murdered.

Lorelei’s academic rival, Sylvia von Wolff, becomes her unexpected ally in solving the murder while navigating the treacherous expedition. As they delve deeper into the forest, facing magical beasts and shifting landscapes, Lorelei and Sylvia discover secrets that challenge their beliefs about justice and loyalty. Amidst the growing tension and peril, they also grapple with their budding romantic feelings. Saft masterfully blends elements of mystery, folklore, and romance, creating a story that is both enthralling and deeply resonant.

Main Characters

Lorelei Kaskel: The protagonist of A Dark And Drowning Tide, Lorelei is a quick-witted and determined folklorist. Her sharp tongue and fierce independence set her apart, making her both a respected scholar and a contentious figure among her peers. Lorelei’s Jewish heritage deeply influences her worldview, adding layers to her character and her motivations throughout the story.

Sylvia von Wolff: Sylvia is Lorelei’s academic rival, known for her gallant demeanor and striking beauty. Initially an insufferable figure to Lorelei, Sylvia becomes a crucial partner in unraveling the mystery of their mentor’s murder. Her complex personality and hidden vulnerabilities gradually endear her to Lorelei, sparking a slow-burning romance.

Mentor (Zeigler): The murdered leader of the expedition and Lorelei’s beloved mentor. Although not present for much of the book, her influence looms large over the narrative. Her secrets and the circumstances of her death drive the plot and challenge Lorelei’s perceptions of right and wrong.

King of Brunnestaad: A distant yet pivotal character, the king’s desire to find the magical spring and secure his power sets the expedition in motion. His political machinations and the impending coup add layers of tension to the story.


The plot of A Dark And Drowning Tide is a deftly woven tapestry of fantasy, mystery, and romance. The expedition to find the fabled spring quickly transforms into a high-stakes whodunit after the murder of Lorelei’s mentor. As the newly appointed leader, Lorelei must navigate the dangerous dynamics of the remaining expedition members while deciphering the cryptic clues left behind.

teaming with mythical creatures and magical dangers, mirrors the internal struggles of the characters. The forest’s ever-changing nature symbolizes the uncertainty and shifting alliances within the group. Lorelei and Sylvia’s reluctant partnership evolves as they face life-threatening challenges, uncovering hidden truths about their mentor and each other.

The plot thickens as Lorelei and Sylvia’s investigation reveals that their mentor was entangled in political conspiracies that could destabilize Brunnestaad. As the duo inches closer to finding the spring and solving the murder, they must confront not only the external threats but also their own prejudices and the burgeoning feelings between them.

Writing Style

 Allison Saft’s writing in A Dark And Drowning Tideis a harmonious blend of lyrical prose and immersive world-building. Her narrative style is richly descriptive, painting vivid images of the sentient forest and the haunting beauty of Brunnestaad. Saft’s ability to weave folklore into the fabric of the story adds depth and authenticity, making the fantastical elements feel tangible and integral to the plot.

The dialogue is sharp and character-driven, reflecting the personalities and emotional journeys of Lorelei and Sylvia. Saft’s exploration of complex themes such as antisemitism and identity is handled with sensitivity and nuance, allowing readers to connect deeply with the characters’ struggles and triumphs. Her portrayal of the romance between Lorelei and Sylvia is particularly compelling, capturing the slow, agonizing build-up of their relationship with palpable tension and yearning.


At its core, A Dark And Drowning Tide is a story about identity, justice, and the power of folklore. The novel delves into the ways in which stories and cultural heritage shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. Lorelei’s Jewish identity and her experiences with antisemitism are central to the narrative, offering a poignant commentary on prejudice and resilience.

The theme of justice is explored through the murder mystery and the political turmoil in Brunnestaad. Lorelei’s quest to find the truth about her mentor’s death forces her to confront the moral ambiguities of her mission and the kingdom she serves. The novel also examines the dynamics of power and oppression, challenging the characters to consider what they are willing to sacrifice for justice and change.

The romance between Lorelei and Sylvia adds another layer to the theme of identity, as they navigate their feelings for each other amidst the backdrop of rivalry and danger. Their relationship highlights the transformative power of love and trust, even in the face of deeply ingrained prejudices and societal expectations.


A Dark And Drowning Tide conveys a powerful message about the importance of embracing one’s heritage and standing against injustice. Through Lorelei’s journey, Saft underscores the value of cultural identity and the strength that comes from understanding and reclaiming one’s history. The novel also calls attention to the pervasive nature of prejudice and the courage required to challenge and overcome it.

The story emphasizes the need for empathy and solidarity in the fight against oppression. Lorelei and Sylvia’s evolving relationship serves as a testament to the potential for growth and connection when individuals look beyond their differences and work together towards a common goal. Saft’s exploration of these themes is both timely and timeless, offering readers a deeply resonant and thought-provoking narrative.


A Dark And Drowning Tide is its richly developed world. Saft’s detailed descriptions and imaginative settings create a vivid and immersive experience for readers. The sentient forest, with its shifting landscapes and hidden dangers, is particularly compelling, serving as both a physical and metaphorical challenge for the characters.

The complex character dynamics and slow-burn romance between Lorelei and Sylvia add depth and emotional weight to the story. Saft’s portrayal of their evolving relationship is nuanced and heartfelt, capturing the tension and vulnerability of their journey from rivals to lovers. Another notable strength is the novel’s exploration of folklore and cultural identity. Saft’s integration of Jewish mythology and her commentary on antisemitism provide a unique and meaningful perspective, enriching the narrative and offering readers valuable insights into the characters’ experiences and struggles.  


While A Dark And Drowning Tide excels in many areas, it is not without its weaknesses. Some readers may find the pacing uneven, particularly in the middle sections of the book where the focus shifts from the murder mystery to the romance and expedition. The slow-burn nature of the romance, while rewarding for some, may feel frustratingly gradual for others.

Additionally, the large cast of secondary characters can sometimes feel underdeveloped, with their motives and personalities not fully fleshed out. This can make it challenging to invest in the broader ensemble beyond the main duo of Lorelei and Sylvia.

The resolution of the murder mystery and the political intrigue may also leave some readers wanting more depth and complexity. While the novel provides satisfying answers to the central questions, the resolution of the conflicts may feel somewhat predictable or rushed to those seeking a more intricate or unexpected conclusion.

Reading Experience

Reading A Dark And Drowning Tide is akin to embarking on a mesmerizing journey through a world where magic and reality intertwine. The novel’s atmospheric setting and lyrical prose draw readers in, immersing them in the lush, folkloric landscape of Brunnestaad. Saft’s ability to evoke a sense of place and mood is one of the highlights of the reading experience.

The slow-burn romance between Lorelei and Sylvia provides a captivating emotional core, with their banter and growing attraction adding a layer of tension and anticipation to the narrative. The exploration of themes such as identity, prejudice, and justice resonates deeply, offering readers both an engaging story and a thought-provoking commentary on contemporary issues.


“A Dark And Drowning Tide” by Allison Saft is a spellbinding addition to the sapphic fantasy romance genre, showcasing Saft’s talent for creating immersive worlds and complex characters. The journey of Lorelei Kaskel, set against the richly detailed backdrop of Brunnestaad, is both a thrilling adventure and a poignant exploration of identity, justice, and the power of folklore. Saft skillfully intertwines elements of mystery, romance, and political intrigue, delivering a narrative that is as emotionally resonant as it is captivating.

The novel excels in its atmospheric settings, particularly the sentient forest, and its sensitive depiction of antisemitism and Jewish heritage. The slow-burn romance between Lorelei and Sylvia von Wolff adds depth to the story, making their relationship a highlight of the book. While the pacing may feel uneven at times and some secondary characters underdeveloped, the overall experience of reading “A Dark And Drowning Tide” is one of enchantment and introspection.


For readers who enjoy fantasy novels rich with folklore, romance, and political intrigue, “A Dark And Drowning Tide” is a must-read. Saft’s nuanced storytelling and lyrical prose create an engaging and thought-provoking narrative that will appeal to fans of dark academia and sapphic romance. Those who appreciate character-driven stories with intricate world-building and themes of cultural identity and justice will find much to admire in this book.

While the slow-burn romance and the focus on thematic depth may not suit every reader, the novel’s strengths far outweigh its minor weaknesses. “A Dark And Drowning Tide” is recommended for those seeking a unique and emotionally resonant addition to their fantasy library. It’s a story that will linger in the minds of readers, prompting reflection on the enduring power of love, heritage, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Drowning-Tide-Novel/dp/0593722345

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