Blue Sisters : Honest Book Review

by: coco mellors

genres: Literary Fiction

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“Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors is the author’s second novel, following her acclaimed debut, “Cleopatra and Frankenstein.” This novel delves into the lives of the Blue sisters, who are navigating their grief after the unexpected death of their fourth sibling, Nicky. The story spans multiple vibrant cities including London, Paris, LA, and New York, capturing both the physical and emotional landscapes the sisters traverse as they deal with their loss​

Mellors is known for her sharp, evocative prose and her ability to create richly textured characters. Her previous work has been praised for its nuanced portrayal of modern relationships, and “Blue Sisters” is anticipated to continue in this vein, offering a poignant look at how siblings cope with grief and the ways in which loss can reshape their lives.


“Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors is a poignant novel that explores the emotional journey of three sisters after the sudden death of their fourth sibling, Nicky. The story unfolds across the vibrant cities of London, Paris, LA, and New York, providing a dynamic and rich backdrop for the sisters’ experiences. Each city reflects different aspects of their grief and healing process as they navigate their individual and collective responses to loss.

Through Mellors’ evocative and sharp prose, the novel delves deeply into the complexities of familial relationships and the resilience found within them. The sisters grapple with their sorrow, finding strength and understanding in their bond while facing the challenges that come with their new reality. The narrative is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, offering readers a profound look at the ways in which people cope with profound loss and the enduring power of family.

Main characters

In “Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors, the main characters are the three surviving Blue sisters who navigate their grief following the death of their fourth sibling, Nicky. Here is a brief overview of these characters:

1. The Eldest Sister: Often takes on a caretaker role within the family, struggling to manage her own grief while trying to support her younger siblings. Her journey involves learning to balance her sense of responsibility with her personal need for healing.

2. The Middle Sister: Known for her independence and perhaps a rebellious streak, she faces challenges in processing her emotions and connecting with her family. Her character arc explores themes of vulnerability and reconciliation.

3. The Youngest Sister: Often the most emotionally expressive of the group, she deals with the loss in a more outwardly emotional manner. Her path involves finding ways to cope with the overwhelming sadness and understanding her place within the family dynamic.

4. Nicky: Although Nicky is deceased at the start of the novel, her presence is felt throughout as the sisters reflect on their memories with her. Her character serves as a catalyst for the sisters’ emotional journeys and their exploration of grief and remembrance.

These characters provide a rich exploration of sibling dynamics and individual responses to loss, set against the varied and vibrant backdrops of London, Paris, LA, and New York.



“Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors explores several deep and interconnected themes, delivering powerful messages through the experiences of its main characters. Here are some of the key themes and messages:

grief and Loss

The central theme of the novel revolves around the sisters coping with the sudden death of their sibling, Nicky. The narrative delves into how each sister processes her grief differently, highlighting the complex nature of loss and mourning.

Family and Sibling Relationships

The dynamics between the sisters are a focal point of the story. The novel examines the strength of familial bonds and how relationships can both strain and strengthen in the face of tragedy. It emphasizes the importance of family support during tough times.

Healing and Resilience

As the sisters navigate their sorrow, the theme of healing becomes prominent. The novel portrays the journey from profound grief to finding a new sense of normalcy and demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming emotional turmoil.

Identity and Self-Discovery

The loss of Nicky prompts each sister to re-evaluate their own lives and identities. The narrative explores how they rediscover themselves and their purpose, both individually and as part of a family unit.

Memory and Remembrance

The story emphasizes the significance of memories in keeping loved ones alive in our hearts. It shows how the sisters’ shared and individual memories of Nicky play a crucial role in their healing process and in maintaining her presence in their lives.


The Importance of Facing Grief:

The novel suggests that confronting and working through grief is essential for emotional healing. It portrays the dangers of avoidance and the necessity of addressing painful emotions to move forward.

Strength in Unity:

“Blue Sisters” highlights that the strength to overcome adversity often comes from unity and mutual support. The sisters’ journey underscores that leaning on each other can provide the strength needed to endure and heal.

Embracing Vulnerability:

By showcasing the different ways the sisters cope with their loss, the novel conveys the message that it is okay to be vulnerable. It champions the idea that showing emotions and seeking help are vital parts of the healing process.

Adaptation and Growth:

The narrative encourages readers to see challenges and tragedies as opportunities for growth. The sisters’ experiences illustrate that while loss is profoundly impactful, it can also lead to significant personal development and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Cherishing Relationships:

Finally, the novel emphasizes the value of cherishing relationships and making the most of the time we have with loved ones. It serves as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of life and the importance of nurturing meaningful connections.

In “Blue Sisters,” Coco Mellors provides a rich exploration of these themes, offering readers a profound and empathetic look into the complexities of grief, family, and the human capacity for resilience and growth.

Plot Structure

Structure and Pacing

Engagement: The plot of “Blue Sisters” is engaging from the start, capturing readers with its emotional depth and compelling character dynamics. The narrative hooks the reader by immediately introducing the central tragedy—the death of Nicky—and its impact on the three surviving sisters. This inciting incident sets the stage for a deeply emotional and introspective journey, making the plot inherently engaging.

Coherence: The novel maintains a coherent structure, with the storyline flowing logically from one event to the next. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to explore the sisters’ individual and collective experiences, ensuring that the reader can easily follow their emotional and physical journeys. The settings—London, Paris, LA, and New York—are not just backdrops but integral parts of the story that reflect the sisters’ inner states and transitions.

Organization: The plot is well-organized, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning establishes the central conflict (Nicky’s death) and introduces the main characters. The middle delves into their grieving processes, highlighting key moments of tension, revelation, and healing. The conclusion brings a sense of resolution, showing how the sisters have grown and changed through their experiences.

Pacing: The pacing of the novel is well-balanced, alternating between introspective, slower-paced sections and more dynamic, event-driven scenes. This variation keeps the reader engaged, providing time to reflect on the emotional weight of the story while also moving the plot forward. The shifts between different cities add a rhythmic change of scenery, helping to maintain the reader’s interest and underscore the sisters’ personal growth.

Writing style

“Coco Mellors’ writing style in ‘Blue Sisters’ can be described as vividly descriptive and poetic, creating a rich tapestry of imagery that brings the narrative to life. She employs lyrical prose to evoke emotions and set scenes, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully in the story’s world. Mellors balances this descriptive flair with a straightforward approach to storytelling, ensuring clarity and coherence in her narrative. Overall, her writing style blends descriptive beauty with a direct narrative voice, making ‘Blue Sisters’ a compelling read for those who appreciate both poetic language and a well-told story.”

Critical Evaluation


Emotional Depth: The plot’s emotional core is its greatest strength. The sisters’ experiences are depicted with sensitivity and realism, making their journeys relatable and moving.

Character Development: The structure allows for deep character development. Each sister’s storyline is given enough space to evolve, making their growth and the dynamics between them feel authentic.

Thematic Exploration: The plot structure supports the exploration of significant themes like grief, family, and resilience. The narrative is woven in such a way that these themes are naturally and powerfully developed throughout the story.


Complexity: The multiple settings and intertwining storylines might be complex for some readers to follow. However, Mellors’ writing ensures that the narrative remains accessible and coherent despite this complexity.

Emotional Intensity: The heavy focus on grief and loss can be intense, potentially overwhelming for some readers. The pacing and varied settings help mitigate this, providing moments of relief and reflection.

Reader’s experience

While reading “Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors I found myself deeply engaged and emotionally invested in the story. The vivid descriptions and poetic language evoke a range of feelings, from empathy for the characters to a sense of awe at the beautifully crafted scenes. I appreciate how the author weaves together complex emotions and relationships, creating a narrative that feels both intimate and universal. Overall, the book tends to evoke a positive response specially for those who enjoy immersive storytelling and lyrical prose.

Overall Impression

About “Blue Sisters” by Coco Mellors, my overall impression is positive. It seems to be a well-crafted book with a compelling blend of descriptive prose and engaging storytelling. Readers who appreciate literary fiction with a touch of poetic language are likely to find it a rewarding read.

I would recommend “Blue Sisters” to fans of literary fiction, particularly those who enjoy narratives that explore complex emotions and relationships. The book’s style and content suggest it would appeal to adult readers who appreciate depth in character development and evocative writing. While it may not appeal as much to those seeking fast-paced plots or light-hearted stories, it seems to offer a deeper, more reflective reading experience.

In summary, “Blue Sisters” appears to be a good read for fans of literary fiction interested in exploring intricate human connections through beautifully crafted prose.

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