The Midnight Library : Honest Book Review

Author: Matt haig

Genres: Fantasy

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“The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig is a contemporary fiction novel published in 2020. It tells the story of Nora Seed, a woman in her thirties who is experiencing deep dissatisfaction with her life. She feels like she has let herself and everyone around her down, and when the novel begins, she reaches a crisis point and decides to take her own life.

Matt Haig, born on July 3, 1975, in Sheffield, England, is a British author known for his works across various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and children’s literature. He studied English and History of Art at Hull University and began his writing career shortly after.


In “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig, Nora Seed finds herself at a crossroads, overwhelmed by regrets and what-ifs in her life. Struggling with a sense of failure and loneliness, she reaches a point of despair where she decides to end it all. But instead of death, she discovers herself in the Midnight Library—a mystical place between life and death, filled with infinite books that represent different paths her life could have taken.

Guided by the enigmatic librarian, Mrs. Elm, Nora embarks on a journey through these parallel lives. Each book offers a glimpse into a different reality where Nora made different choices—career paths not taken, relationships left behind, and opportunities missed. From a world-renowned musician to an Olympic athlete, Nora experiences lives that seem perfect on the surface but carry their own burdens and challenges.

As Nora navigates these alternate realities, she learns profound lessons about herself and the nature of happiness. Through the highs and lows of each life, she confronts the consequences of her decisions and the impact they have had on those around her. Along the way, Nora grapples with existential questions about identity, regret, and the meaning of life itself.

Main characters

Nora Seed: The protagonist of the story, Nora is a woman in her thirties who is deeply unhappy with her life. She struggles with regrets over her past decisions and feels disconnected from her family and friends.

Mrs. Elm: The librarian of the Midnight Library, Mrs. Elm guides Nora through the different books that represent alternate lives she could have lived. She serves as a mentor figure, helping Nora navigate her journey of self-discovery.

Nora’s Father: Though not a central character, Nora’s relationship with her father plays a significant role in shaping her life and decisions. His influence is explored through various iterations of Nora’s life.

Various Characters from Alternate Lives: Throughout the novel, Nora encounters different versions of herself and the people around her in the alternate lives depicted in the books of the Midnight Library. These characters include former friends, lovers, colleagues, and family members, each offering insights into different aspects of Nora’s potential futures.

These characters interact within the framework of the Midnight Library, where Nora explores the paths not taken and grapples with the consequences of her choices. They collectively contribute to the novel’s exploration of regret, identity, and the search for fulfillment.


Engagement: The novel opens with Nora at a critical moment in her life, contemplating suicide due to overwhelming regrets and dissatisfaction. This immediately grabs the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the fantastical journey that follows. The concept of the Midnight Library itself is intriguing and draws readers into a world where each book represents a different life Nora could have lived.

Coherence: Despite the premise involving multiple realities, Haig maintains a coherent narrative by grounding each alternate life in Nora’s core struggles and desires. Each chapter focuses on a different life, allowing Nora—and the reader—to explore how different choices could have led to vastly different outcomes. The transitions between these alternate lives are handled smoothly, with each reality contributing to Nora’s evolving understanding of herself and her choices.

Well-organized: The novel is structured around Nora’s experiences in the Midnight Library interspersed with flashbacks to key moments in her actual life. This dual timeline structure provides depth to Nora’s character and allows readers to understand the origins of her regrets and motivations. The pacing is deliberate, with moments of introspection balanced by moments of action within each alternate reality.

Writing style

Matt Haig’s writing style in “The Midnight Library” is characterized by its introspective and empathetic tone, which draws readers deep into Nora Seed’s emotional journey. Haig combines elements of fantasy with a literary flair, creating a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. His prose is clear and accessible, making complex philosophical ideas about regret, choice, and identity accessible to a wide audience. Haig’s use of vivid imagery brings the Midnight Library to life, from its endless shelves of books to the ethereal atmosphere that envelops Nora as she navigates between different realities. Through Nora’s introspections and interactions with the diverse characters she encounters, Haig explores profound themes with sensitivity and depth, encouraging readers to reflect on their own lives and the paths they’ve chosen. Overall, Haig’s writing style in “The Midnight Library” is compelling, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey alongside the protagonist.


Concept and Originality: The concept of the Midnight Library, where each book represents a different life Nora could have lived based on different choices, is highly original and thought-provoking. It engages readers by exploring the universal theme of “what if” in a fantastical and imaginative way.

Emotional Depth: Haig’s exploration of Nora Seed’s emotional journey is a major strength. He delves deep into themes of regret, identity, and the search for meaning, creating a protagonist that readers can empathize with and root for.

Philosophical Exploration: The novel raises profound philosophical questions about the nature of happiness, the impact of choices, and the importance of self-acceptance. Haig seamlessly weaves these themes into the narrative, prompting readers to reflect on their own lives and decisions.


Pacing Issues: Some readers may find the pacing uneven, particularly in parts where Nora explores multiple alternate lives in quick succession. This could potentially affect the flow of the narrative and the emotional impact of certain revelations.

Predictability: While the premise is original, the overall trajectory of Nora’s journey and the lessons she learns may feel predictable to readers familiar with similar existential themes in literature. This could diminish the surprise factor for some readers.

Character Development: While Nora’s character is well-developed and undergoes significant growth, some secondary characters from alternate lives may feel underdeveloped due to the limited scope of each life explored.

Reader’s experience        

“The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig offers readers a deeply engaging and thought-provoking experience. Targeting adult fiction enthusiasts interested in existential themes, the novel captivates with its imaginative premise of a mystical library where each book represents a different life Nora Seed could have lived. Readers are drawn into Nora’s emotional journey as she navigates regrets and explores alternate realities, prompting introspection about life choices, identity, and the pursuit of happiness. Haig’s clear and accessible prose, combined with a dual narrative structure that balances introspection with narrative tension, ensures a compelling reading experience that resonates long after the final page.

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